Property Management Contract for Airbnb

As an Airbnb host, it`s essential to have a well-drafted property management contract in place. A property management contract is a legal agreement between the host and the property management company that outlines the terms and conditions of the partnership. It is essential to have a well-structured contract that protects both parties` rights and sets out expectations.

Here are some essential elements that should be included in your property management contract for Airbnb.

Scope of Services

The contract should clearly outline the scope of services that the property management company will provide. This includes the tasks that they will take on, such as handling all guest communication, coordinating cleaning and maintenance, and managing bookings.

Fees and Payment Schedule

The fees that the property management company will charge for their services should also be stated explicitly in the contract. This includes the management fee, cleaning fees, and any other additional charges. The payment schedule should also be stated, including the frequency of payments and the method of payment.


The contract should also specify the availability of the property management company. This includes the hours they are available to answer inquiries, take bookings and resolve issues. It`s also essential to outline the method of communication and who to contact in case of an emergency.

Legal Obligations

The property management contract should also outline the legal obligations of both the host and the property management company. This includes adhering to local laws and regulations, obtaining the necessary permits and licenses, and following all health and safety guidelines.

Termination Clause

The contract should also include a termination clause outlining the circumstances where the contract can be terminated by either party. This includes breaches of contract, failure to pay fees, or changes in circumstances.


Finally, the contract should include a confidentiality clause to protect both parties` privacy. This includes the handling of personal guest information and any sensitive information related to the property`s operation.

In conclusion, having a well-drafted property management contract is essential in protecting your property and ensuring a successful partnership with your property management company. By incorporating the essential elements above, your contract can provide a framework for a successful Airbnb hosting experience.